Internal Communication Strategies – From Employee to Brand Champion

by Rowena Lim

Why You Should Attend This Course

Just as our circulation system links our body parts, so too does internal communication link the various departments in an organization.  In a similar vein, a malfunction in your human body would have you performing below par, so too will ineffective internal communication result in an organization underperforming. 

Effective internal communication forms the foundation that facilitates the integration of stakeholders, processes and technology by effectively managing ongoing changes to deliver results, thus strengthening your organization.  It also enables organizations to survive during challenging times. 

Whatever your present occupation, so long as you expect the learning outcomes anywhere near that described in the next tab, this programme is tailor-made for you! 

At the end of this two-day hands-on workshop, your inherent skills in internal communications would have been taken to another level – to enable you to identify, appreciate its common causes and problems, thereby empowering you to effectively communicate with your internal stakeholders.  Together as a team, you will better overcome challenges and solve problems in an environment of trust and commitment.

Who can benefit?  PR, Corporate Communications, CSR, Investor Relations, Human Resources, Managers and Executives, and anyone who deals with internal audience.

Why Internal Communications Matter More in a Viral World
As brand champions, employees must be able to align with the positioning and image of the company. All this, while the leader articulates the organisation’s growth potential that reflects these stakeholders’ aspirations and benefits, envisioning exciting possibilities in a ‘Shared Vision’, as advocated by Peter Senge.

Who are Our Internal Audience
Stakeholders who share the same organisational values. Potentially, your biggest advocates, they need to know what we aim to communicate and how best to in this digital world.

How Do We Communicate
With a diverse population with different information needs and time, what channels do audiences value? We look at various traditional and social media to understand the respective impacts and benefits.

What Do We Say and What Do We Want People to Do
Communication is about results. We give out information with impact and interest in the outcome, and how it supports specific goals. What does the message mean to the audience: What’s in it for me? Why should I care?

Where are the Checkpoints
How will you know if you are connecting with your internal stakeholders? What about Corporate Social Responsibility? We examine the company’s philosophy, social responsibility, the core competencies of an internal communicator, the value of feedback and more …

When is the Communication
The vast majority of internal communications is about change. From a simple exercise to a complex one, the rate of change is even more relentless in a connected digital global world. What is leadership communication, and what is the role of the internal communicator during change?

Effective Communications Skills
How to communicate effectively at work? Learn the key principles to develop skills to cut through the noise, separate data from information, recognise communication barriers, conflicts, then strategise your internal communication to make every employee your brand champion.

Case Studies, Exercises and Group Work

Rowena Lim,  MBA

Starting out in PR and advertising, then journalism and corporate communications, Rowena currently optimizes and shares her knowledge and skills to develop content and facilitate training workshops.  A highly energetic, people-oriented professional, she is a strong proponent of lifelong learning.

Rowena has been a trainer with Marketing Institute of Singapore on communication-related topics since 2012. Recently, she was courted by a management school to develop the course content for Social Media Marketing.  Rowena has also a keen interest in Mobagogy (micro learning through mobile technology) and has curated articles for the smart phone.

Most recently, she co-authored the book “How to use your ‘headtop’ super-computer to achieve your goals”, available on Amazon. This is a compelling, constructive and challenging must read, about your inward journey of discovery, that enables you to better understand, appreciate and master how your ‘creative trilogy’ work, then working with it and the Laws of the Universe to achieve your goals and dreams.

Clients Rowena has given consultation to include Facebook, Sumitomo, NOL, Health Sciences Authority, Public Utilities Board, United Airlines, Caterpillar, The Hearing Centre, Emirates Bank, Piper Aircraft, The Singapore e-Government Leadership Centre, Jardine Matheson Group, NEA, Workforce Singapore, APEC Secretariat, J P Morgan, Scandanavian Airlines, Electrolux, Canon, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Pioneer Electronics, Pioneer Investments, Hitachi Asia, Cordlife, Caltex and Shell.

Rowena has an MBA degree in Marketing from the University of Hull, UK.  In training, she is an Associate Adult Educator (Singapore).  In public-speaking, she was trained by the School of Dale Carnegie, US.


15 – 16 Sep 2021
13 – 14 Oct 2021
09 – 10 Nov 2021
08 – 09 Dec 2021

Course Fee


The class offers in-class or virtual learning
  • Time: 9am – 5pm
  • MIS Member enjoy 10% Discount
  • Register for 8 or more participants to enjoy 10% Group Discount