Managing Difficult Colleagues & Situations at Work

by James Suresh

Why You Should Attend This Course

Just because someone isn’t walking the same path as you, doesn’t mean they’re going the wrong way. People may have very different perspectives on how things should be done, but they may have the same goals. Having differing views can actually help you achieve better results as you complement each other’s talents and aim for synergy of ideas. A difficult colleague may have good intentions. This course will help you identify the intentions behind difficult behaviour and learn strategies and techniques for managing difficult situations with internal customers at all levels.

  • Understand and appreciate different communication styles and behaviours
  • Identify passive and aggressive tendencies and manage differences as a leader
  • Harness different perspectives and achieve better results with a synergy or views
  • Achieve common ground and enhance teamwork for greater productivity at work

Day 1

  • Introduction and Ice breakers
  • Sampling of difficult behaviours provided by participants
  • The angry workplace – Situations leading to bad behaviour
  • Ten categories of difficult behaviour and their motivations
  • Active and passive reactions to difficult colleagues
  • Four strategies for managing difficult people at work
  • Group activity – Applying the strategies
  • Task focus and people focus behaviour
  • Four main intentions that induce difficult behaviour
  • Case study – Identifying good intentions that result in bad behaviour
  • Video presentation – A summary of learning points and strategies

Day 2

  • Review of learning points from previous session
  • Analysis of personal encounters (individual sharing)
  • Blending and Redirecting strategies
  • Harnessing our visual and vocal skills to influence others
  • How to apply listening skills in managing negativity
  • Listening skills exercise – self evaluation
  • Managing negativity and emphasising common ground
  • Surviving through skillful communication – Video
  • Groups activity – How to apply communication skills
  • Bringing out the best in people at their worst
  • Self analysis – Are you a difficult person?
  • Summary and concluding remarks
  • Leaders at all levels from supervisors to senior executives and managers.
  • Anyone who needs to learn how to manage difficult colleagues at work.

James Suresh is a multi-talented trainer and best-selling author. He has over 18 years of training experience. The co-creator of Singapore’s comic icon ‘Mr. Kiasu’, James has written comic books and recently wrote and published a best-selling illustrated book on Singapore which has won two awards.

He is an accredited PR practitioner, a certified FISH trainer as well as an EQ Trainer with Six Seconds Inc (USA) an NLP practitioner and a certified teacher with NIE.

James has been featured on news radio in the ‘Positive Business Minutes’ series and on Channel NewsAsia for his role in promoting community cohesion and interaction. He has also been featured in press advertisements promoting the Singapore Kindness movement.

James specialises in Creative Thinking, Interpersonal Skills and Motivation. He is an accredited PR practitioner and council member of the Institute of Public Relations Singapore. James holds a Masters in Communication Management and a Bachelors in Business Administration.


28 – 29 Oct 2021

Course Fee


The class offers in-class or virtual learning
  • Time: 9am – 5pm
  • MIS Member enjoy 10% Discount
  • Register for 8 or more participants to enjoy 10% Group Discount