Mindfulness for Busy Executives

by Michael Lum

Why You Should Attend This Course

It is the latest buzzword in the corporate circle. Mindfulness is a natural human function to be fully present, consciously aware of what you are doing and not over reacting to the surrounding activities. You are aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment, without judging. However, you are not mindful in the midst of haste and noise in today’s hurried world. When you practice it frequently, it becomes second nature to you.

There are three components of mindfulness 1. Intention – what you hope to get from the practice 2. Attention – focusing on your inner or outer experience and 3. Attitude – practicing curiosity, and kindness, acceptance and curiosity. Techniques includes breathing, guided mindfulness practices and cognitive exercises to relax the body and mind. They alleviate stress while improving focus. You focus on your being.

A growing number of studies found the practice of mindfulness increases positive moods and cultivates compassion for self and others (Eberth & Sedlmeier, 2012). It reduces anxiety, depression, and stress and help people cope with illness and pain (Khoury et al., 2013). Practicing mindfulness has measurable effects on the brain that it remodels its physical structure (Tang, Holzel, & Posner, 2015).

In this two-day workshop, you will acquire the skills to be more aware, present and non-judgmental. Additionally, you will more compassionate to others and kinder to yourself.

At the end of the two-day interactive workshop, participants will

  1. Describe mindfulness and its benefits
  2. Display awareness of self and surroundings
  3. Demonstrate breathing and other mindfulness techniques
  4. Implement mindful movement
  5. Recognitive negative thoughts and allowing


  • Depression, Unhappiness and Emotional Distress
  • Why do we get stuck?
  • What is Mindfulness?


  • Doing, Being and Mindfulness
  • Awareness and Automatic pilot
  • Basic breathing space
  • Living in our heads
  • Gathering the scattered mind


  • Body scan
  • Sitting with breadth and body
  • Mindful movement
  • Mindful walking


  • Thoughts and feelings
  • Recognizing aversion
  • Thoughts are not facts
  • Automatic thoughts
  • Allowing and letting be


  • Moods, feelings and thoughts
  • Nourishing and depleting activities
  • Maintaining and extending new learning

This program is designed for executives who want to find peace and meaning to their lives and work in this midst of the rapidly changing corporate world.

Michael Lum holds a Bachelor of Accountancy from National University of Singapore and a Master of Commerce from the University of New South Wales, Sydney. To hone in his skills, he pursued a Graduate Diploma (Training and Development) from Civil Service College. Presently, he is completing a Master in Professional Education (Training and Development) in Nanyang Technological University.

For the last 20 years Michael has been speaking in various management topics both in Singapore and in the region. Michael is also an associate faculty with Singapore University of Social Sciences and UPH Indonesia where he teaches Strategic Management and Negotiation Strategies.

He is an associate trainer with Nanyang Technological University, Institute of Chartered Accountants and Centre for Behavioral Studies. He was also an associate trainer with National University of Singapore Extension for 17 years.

Michael is a certified trainer with American Board of NLP (Neuro-linguistics Programming), American Management Association International trainer, Louis Allen Leadership Program, Body Language Micro-Expressions and HRDF in Malaysia. An Associate Certified Coach with International Coaching Federation, he is also an IACT stress management consultant, NGH hypnotherapist, Laughter Yoga instructor, Distinguished Toastmaster and a 6 Seconds EQ trainer. He is a member of Global Speakers Federation.

A wordsmith in his spare time, Michael is the bestselling author of “I Once Wore Diapers”, “Who Broke My Rice Bowl?”, “From Beggars to Millionaires” and “Make the World Your Oyster!”. The first book is translated into 4 languages. He is a regular contributor in management to Recruit, Straits Times.

In recognition of his selfless social contribution for his free workshops amongst mid-life retrenched workers and singles, he was awarded ABC True Hero 2003, a social enterprise award pioneered by ABC Stout. Michael is interviewed regularly by the press, radio and TV for his work.

Stephen C. Lundin, PhD, author of 5 million copy best-selling FISH! describes “Michael as a consummate storyteller. He is passionate about his work and the role of stories as teaching tools.”

Dr Marshall Goldsmith, No: 1 Coach in the world, testifies “Michael is empathetic and purposeful trainer who causes attitudinal changes in his workshops. He places a sand in your oyster, irritates and transform you to a pearl.”


14 – 15 Oct 2021

Course Fee


The class offers in-class or virtual learning
  • Time: 9am – 5pm
  • MIS Member enjoy 10% Discount
  • Register for 8 or more participants to enjoy 10% Group Discount