Thinking Of Yourself As A Brand
by Cheryl Sum
Why You Should Attend This Course
Most think of brand building as a buzz word only applicable to big brands and conglomerate businesses. Rarely, an individual sees themselves as brands, and seldom think of their everyday conversations as brand messages which can lead to longer-term branding and market positioning.
It is also a common misconception that you don’t need to think about branding if you are an employee and has no interest whatsoever in ever becoming a business owner. Most fail to see that employment, job opportunities, referrals and testimonials are results of successful branding, and the top-of-the-mind image plays a crucial role in whether you get those opportunities or job offers.
Whether it is a physical product or you trying to get a job with the expert skillsets you possess, it is selling and it is branding, albeit the end product is different.
All world leaders and renowned business owners invest in personal branding so that the world sees what they want it to perceive, some more genuine than others. It is nonetheless a power strategy to succeed in life. With the world restarting and recovering from Covid-19, it is high time for individuals to start thinking of themselves as a brand and most crucial of all, a valuable brand.
This course attempts to create a seismic shift in mindset in individuals to become a brand that companies or clients find value in.
At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
- Understand the concepts of branding
- Understand the relationship of selling and branding
- Examine tactics and strategies of personal branding with the illustration of case studies
- Examine their strengths and weaknesses in the workplace
- Define goals and plan an execution plan
- Evaluate the effectiveness of their action plans
This course will combine the common concepts, strategies and methods of branding and sales used by brands and businesses to allow learners have a basic foundation of what goes on behind the scenes and why some brands are successful and some are not.
We will begin by examining some pitfalls and insights using case studies of renowned business and political leaders and attempt to contextualise these into the individual’s circumstances. Learners will be given opportunities to devise an execution plan which they can continuously work on even after they are out of the classroom.
This course will consist of mini-lectures on branding and sales concepts, case studies application and individual work and presentation.
- Business owners (companies, start-up, sole proprietors)
- Salespersons
- Freelancers
- Any individual who wants to improve their brand image
Cheryl Sum is a consultant and corporate trainer who specialises in areas of marketing, sales strategies and performance improvement. Some of her clients include Property Developers and Small, Medium Enterprises (SMEs) across various sectors in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
To date, Cheryl has worked closely with businesses to provide marketing, branding and public relation solutions, and is actively coaching and training business proprietors and salespersons to improve sales performances. In 2017, Cheryl was appointed as business coach for a start-up incubator programme, an economic initiative supported by the Saigon Innovation Hub in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam where she coached and consulted in areas of business and sales channels strategies.
Cheryl is also an Associate Lecturer who conducts digital marketing and real estate courses in tertiary institution. Cheryl has been conferred the Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) accredited by Workforce Singapore.
01 Oct 2021
12 Nov 2021
Course Fee
The class offers in-class or virtual learning
- Time: 9 am – 5 pm
- SkillsFuture Credit eligible
- MIS Member enjoy 10% Discount
- Register for 8 or more participants to enjoy 10% Group Discount